Emily Martin

500 Hour RYT, professional opera singer, artist, body work related to breath and singing

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MF1 Thorax

Performing, opera, musical theatre, body work research

Caroline Hunt

I teach Pilates and specialise in remedial work, liaising with other practitioners to work on rehabilitation to fuller function and moving with ease. I have completed a wide range of specialised training over the years - including working with those in the older population, with osteoporosis, spinal conditions and increasingly fascial understanding 

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Moving Fascia Foundations
MF1 Thorax
Moving Fascia Teacher Training

Michelle Ford

Moving Fascia Foundations
MF1 Thorax

Wendy Watson

Moving Fascia Foundations
MF1 Thorax

Andrea Lawson

I am a Pilates teacher, Garuda Teacher and a Slings Myofascial training practitioner. I have been teaching movement for the past 10 years and I combine all of my past learning into my movement sessions. I offer group classes as well as 1:1 movement sessions. I am also a Scarwork therapist and a Fascial Unwinding and Energy Awareness therapist.

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MF1 Thorax

MF1 Thorax, Scarwork Therapist, Fascial Unwinding and Energy Awareness Therapist

Rebecca Gould

Moving Fascia Foundations
Moving Fascia Teacher Training
MF1 Thorax

Andrea Beckman

MF1 Thorax

Amina Rooke-Ley

MF1 Thorax
MF4 Upper Limb
MF5 Lower Limb

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